Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Packing for your Trip!

Returning runners are back for Spring semester. Recruits are visiting and making deposits.  All have decided to be on the Fighting Squirrel Journey!

Today I blog as my flight is delayed to San Diego!  I purchased the ticket and packed my bags and my arrival in San Diego will be much later than planned, but for now I will address packing your bags. What is it that you should pack for the Fighting Squirrel Journey?

1. A brain ready to fill with new information. At college your number one priority is getting an education.  Be ready to think, evaluate, question, study and research. The cross country team finished the fall semester with a 3.3 cumulative GPA showing their dedication to studies. For recruits you will be joining a great intellectual community at MBC.

2. Goals - this includes academic and running goals.  Know where you want to go. Dream big and then put in the work to see those dreams become reality.

3.  Decision making skills. Once you have your goals you must make the right decisions!  Right now it is focusing on your winter running. Depending where you live this might be a challenge on cold, dreary days, but think of the outcomes of a nice run and how it keeps you on your goal path!

4.  Attitude - no matter the situation, YOU control your attitude and reaction.  Look at the big picture and stay in the moment. For me this flight delay is an inconvenience, but I have dealt with worse!  I am trying to make the best of it. Decided to check my bag so I wouldn't be dragging it around all day and they waived the fee - win of the day #1!  I checked this blog off my list - win of the day #2!  By the end of today I will be in San Diego where it is sunny and warm -win of the day #3!

Have a great day and get in a good run!

Next blog - Arriving at your destination!